Some time last year, I went through a slight Miyazaki/Ghibli movie marathon and when I was going through
Anna the Red's blog, I saw that she had actually recreated some of the
Ghibli food from the
movies! I really admire Anna the Red's bento (and non-bento) work. It is AMAZING to say the least! Definitely go check her out!
Mei's Bento from My Neighbor Totoro |
This is the bento that Satsuki (Mei's older sister) makes for Mei in the anime movie
My Neighbor Totoro. After seeing Anna the Red's
tutorial for Mei's bento, I was inspired to recreate my own.
Real Life Anime Food: Mei's Bento from My Neighbor Totoro |
To make this, I used white rice and
umeboshi (Japanese pickled plum). The pink powder is
sakura denbu (a sweetened fish powder) sitting next to a pile of green peas. The only difference between my re-creation and the real deal was that I used teriyaki smelt from Nijiya instead of the fish in the movie because it was what I had on hand. Hope you guys enjoy it!
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